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Circle of 13

Monday, October 01, 2007

A recent article on mind control as hypnotism

"...Hypnotism is where one person wilfully imposes part of his consciousness directly into the brain of his subject in order to disconnect conscious awareness from the body. It is a psychic attack. Entry is usually through the eyes but can also be pushed down the ear canals into the centre of the brain displacing the aetheric spark in the pituitary/pineal.

Even if the subject is willing to be put to sleep for some perceived gain such as the desire to stop smoking, on a spiritual level the disruption of the connection between the soul and body is a violation of spiritual principle.

Self hypnosis is where the hypnotist and the subject are the same person and that person wilfully disconnects from source. This opens the physical mind and body to astral psychic parasitic entities and whatever other influences are prevailing at the time.

All drugs that disconnect the body from the soul and chemically induce the same state as hypnosis violate the spiritual connection. Many of these drugs are called hypnotics.

Electro-magnetic frequencies that alter or block wakefulness or induce "suggestibility" are violating the sanctity of self guided thought. These frequencies are most often associated with television and cell-phones. It has long been recognized that television lulls people into a semi-comatose state within minutes.

Implants such as RFID tags and nanotechnology work at frequencies that block the lifestream flowing from the spiritual source. Weakening the body and clouding the mind these silicon motes induce a stupor and the body becomes a bio-machine. This too is a hypnotic state.

The use of hypnotism to cause people to become trance channellers promotes the idea that answers come from outside self or disconnected from the divine source. All too often the channelled entity is an astral parasite as the channeller is drained of energy.

Edgar Cayce shortened his life by channelling. That is one of his predictions that did come true.

Connecting to source energizes the mind, body and spirit .

The promotion of trance channelling is part of the age old agenda of debilitating humanity. It pushes the belief that all answers are gained through disconnecting one's own conscious awareness. Mediumship is the message of breaking the life-line to the higher self.

The solution to the problem of the widespread use of hypnosis is to reconnect to source. Many are achieving higher energy levels through prayer. Many are finding answers in nature walks. Many are finding source through grounding the consciousness during meditation. Many have found source and are infused with energy..."

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